Saturday 2 October 2010

Paint the unphotographable

As I am about to start my second year at WSA under the painting specialism I have had many thoughts about the purpose/validity of painting in the context of modern art and more importantly what it means to me personally. I have always used a lot of photography and drawing/painting to investigate things but I find that I rarely begin or conclude things with painting and yet it still remains my favorite practice.
Therefore I feel I need to be able to rely more on my drawing and painting skills and I think the only way to do this is to embark upon an analysis cannot be documented initially though photography.

So I'm going to document the reflection and shadow perceived through my own eyelid but I fully expect to veer from this rather vague brief.

A few pages from my sketch book containing paint experiments as I try to find the best way to layer colours that mimic the pulsating patterns of my eyelid in strong light.

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